
Saturday, April 22, 2006

moronic people like me. updates her stupid blog when exams are just a day away (it's 1.13am sunday). while clever and smart people, plans their time properly and makes sure that they have enough time for every subject. so when exam comes they score. and people who blogs like i do. fails.

wow! what an interesting theory. and oh, moronic people like me, blames everything else on earth for her pathetic scores instead of looking at herself first. like ie. the renovations next door. like music playing over and over in my head. so i can't focus. my place in the exam room is too hot. no ventilation. i smell dust. i can't focus.

damnit right. see exams are not until the week after next (technically) cause next week it's just routine tests and language papers. but i've got no time! i can't finish all the chapters. i've studied like bits and pieces of some things.

oh i'm so screwed. and i'm still blogging. whatever lah. anyway my mum gave me something cool to eat so that i can stay awake all night. looks like it isn't working.

everyone is helping me, but i'm not helping myself.

thats the greatest theory of all. :(

and i don't feel a tad bit of stressed. now, theres a problem there right? right.


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